英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 11:31:23
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1. an alloy of iron containing so much carbon that it is brittle and so cannot be wrought but must be shaped by casting

1. 铸铁;生铁
Cast iron is iron which contains a small amount of carbon. It is hard and cannot be bent so it has to be made into objects by casting.

e.g. Made from cast iron, it is finished in graphite enamel.
e.g. ...the cast-iron chair legs.

2. (保证或借口)可靠的,可信的,无懈可击的
A cast-iron guarantee or alibi is one that is absolutely certain to be effective and will not fail you.

e.g. They would have to offer cast-iron guarantees to invest in long-term projects.

1. 铸铁:普通低合金结构钢,渗碳钢,调质钢,弹簧钢,滚动轴承钢3) 铸铁(cast iron)含碳量大于2.11%的铁碳合金,力学性能比钢差,不能锻造. 但具有优良的铸造性、减震性、...

2. 生铁:成品是成捆铁条(Faggot),是由非净化的熟铁加上重量不到3%的碳成份,生铁(Cast iron)是此冶炼过程的付产品.精炼后之铁矿石弄乾燥后,放入经火硬化的小型粘土坩埚内.

3. 生铁;铸铁:生钢;铸钢 cast steel | 生铁;铸铁 cast iron | 用途;功能 function

4. 铸铁;生铁:casing 外壳;套管;框(门窗) | cast iron 铸铁;生铁 | cast iron conductor 铸铁导管

Cast iron fence is long structure.(铸铁围墙是长型构造物。)
Thus Ductile iron valves can easily replace cast iron or steel valves.(因此球墨铸铁阀门能够方便的替换铸铁或钢阀门。)
You created a Cast Iron orchestration that USES the Invoke service activity to call this Web service, thereby running a map.(您创建了一个CastIron编排,它使用InvokeService活动来调用这个Web服务,进而运行一个数据图。)
This machine has many parts made of cast iron.(这台机器有许多部件是铸铁造的。)
Right outside the Saab museum, a giant black cast iron steam engine stands as a monument to this unsentimental approach.(就在萨博博物馆的门外,伫立着一个巨大的铸铁蒸汽引擎诉说着这近乎不近人情的制度。)
You will use WebSphere Cast Iron to synchronize account data between two endpoints.(您将使用WebSphereCastIron来同步两个端点之间的账户数据。)
To ensure that no deformation of cast iron plate riveting, and use flat no problem.(为确保铸铁铆焊平板不变形,并且在使用时平板不会出现问题。)
Cast iron is almost as useful as steel.(铸铁差不多与钢一样有作用。)
Almost all of the interior detail is of cast iron or plaster; the use of wood was minimized to insure fire safety.(几乎所有的内部细节都是由铸铁或石膏铸成的;减少木材的使用是出于确保消防安全的考虑。)
Any of the following items come in enameled cast iron.(下面要介绍的这些炊具都是用搪瓷铸铁做成的。)
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